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Sunday, 25 July 2010

Blog 5 - suffering with UTI's

I’ve been fighting infections for 5 weeks now. Every time I finish a course of antibiotics, it comes back within 2 days. I feel much better when on the antibiotics, even when the lab says there is no infection (they do find bacteria, just not in the levels where they deem it to be a problem and so consider it the natural flora of the bladder).  The only time I was flagged up as positive was when they found a strain of streptococcus in there.
The pain has been awful. Imagine that image I painted in my first blog, the one where all the skin is shredded off your hand, and then dripping your hand in a vat of liquid TCP. Now imagine the grazes on your hand becoming infected, and being knocked till it bleeds...yeah, you’re now where I am at.
I’ve been put back on a 3 day course of Nitrofurantoin 50mg, and then I am to take one a day before bed, to see if that keeps it in check.
I’m not happy because through being housebound, and eating too much cake I admit, but I’m in so much pain, I feel it’s justified; I’ve now reached size 16 bottoms, a far cry from my original size 8. I’m guessing that after my op, I’m not going to feel like eating much for a while anyway, so hoping I’ll drop that quickly. I remember after having my tonsils out, and living on nothing but watery soup, I dropped a stone in 2 weeks. I’m just worried that I might end up with a deformed scar on my belly if I can’t keep my weight in check now.
In response to realising I’m the size of a beached whale, I grit my teeth through the pain and did some exercise. I started off gentle, doing some warm up and stretches like I used to do in Thai Chi. Then, as I started to feel better, I did 3 sets of very lame step ups whilst watching Justin Timberlake videos on the music channel. Then I did a few sets some cheaters push ups (where your knees are on the floor), all in all about half an hour after I did the warm down and stretches. However an hour later whilst I was having a shower, I got a really peculiar sensation down there, and looked down to see my leg bag filling with blood! Great. So I can’t even try to get a little fitter before the operation. 
All in all, a very bad week. Since the other half has abandoned me for pretty much the last two weekends, I’m going to make his eyes bleed (as he puts it) by making him take me to the cinema to watch Eclipse. Or I could spare my other half the torture and myself the disappointment and go watch inception Instead! 


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